Sunday, December 8, 2013

Etude House: Plumping Lip Tint #1 Red & Job's Tears W Patch [Review]

Aloha my cuties~!
Hope you are well ^_^

So lately, I have been OBSESSED with lip plumping things because if I smile too big, my upper lip gets soooo thin it looks really weird >____< so I wanted to find lip plumping lipsticks/stains/etc :)

I went to Etude House to just see if they had anything:
I found a Plumping Lip Tint :))

it kind of reminds of their old lip stains in the same type of packaging

the smell:
omg it was so terrible >< usually Etude House products have this cute, light sweet smell...but this one..omg I gagged a little >< has anyone had liquid medicine that was either "cherry" or "bubblegum" flavour?? but it made you want to gag every time you had to take it ><
that very potent fruity smell was in the gloss ughhh 

it has a straight wand
very cut and glossy

There isn't much of a lip plumping factor I think...the gloss also gives a very cooling sensation..I thought that was pretty neat :) 

Overall I would rate this 


the gloss didn't last very long at all and I reaaally couldn't stand the smell >< also the lip plumping part that it is marketed as..wasn't really I'm definitely not buying this again..nor do I recommend it >____<

Since the lip plumping tint was really cheap, I decided to also get their little face patches :) I am also interested in getting more collagen or cooling/calming things for my eye baggies >< but instead I decided to get this since they didn't have anything much for under eye baggies :) The patch is supposed to make your skin more bright and less dull, and sooth irritated skin
Remove patch from pouch and remove white film
place patch over nose and cheeks and remove blue film
Leave patch for 10-20 min

The patch smelled heavily of alcohol >__< so I was really scared to put it on my skin..the mask felt ok, it was really..watery and slippery but cooling, I left it on for 15 min and my skin felt clean :) so I guess thats good! However not much of a difference in my skin after taking off the patch nor the next morning..

It is definitely fun to try masks and these types of patches for the skin sometimes ^__^ but the smell was quite strong and I didn't care for it >__< also I do not think it was effective at all :((

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