Monday, December 9, 2013

I LOVE to tightline!

Hello cutie~! ^__^

today instead of doing my normal reviews, I want to talk about tightlining! 
What is tightlining??

"Tightlining, for those who are not familiar, is where you apply eyeliner directly to your lash line, preferably from the underside of the lash line"

I always knew about tightlining, but I was always so scared of poking my eye >< but after watching a lot of makeup gurus do it for their tutorials I decided to give it a shot

Sorry these photos are kind off diff angles and one is zoomed in so my face looks diff><
but i think this is a good example!
Left: Tightlined eye
Right: normal liner

As you can see the tighlined eye...pops out more without having too thick-looking eyeliner :)

After doing tightlining for a while now, I prefer to stick to just lining directly on top of my lash line instead of also doing the underside of the lash line. Because every time I do my underside of the lash line too..if theres too much liner..then I get panda eyes ><..if I just line my lash line, I don't get panda eyes at all and my eyes still look very big and dramatic ^_^ just the way I like it hehe <3

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