Monday, August 27, 2012

Baviphat: Apple Peeling Gel [Review]

Aloha~! Recently, I bought this Peeling Gel - since I love Asian beauty products hehe >w< I honestly wasn't expecting much, especially since I got it really cheap on ebay but surprisingly this works great :D

Hehehe >////<
I always feel really confident after I actually follow my skin care forgive the pics of my face TwT

Baviphat Apple Peeling Gel

I know the peach one is really extremely popular..and I had actually tried the sample of the peach one but...I like apples better so that's why I chose the apple one haha! 
Another reason I decided to purchase this is because I really want to get serious about taking care of my skin and I understand that having a product that exfoliates is important ~! Andd~ this is really cheap :) I got it for around $14 on ebay!

The packaging is so cute! It looks like an apple doesn't it >w<?!

After washing the face, apply suitable amount onto the face except for eyes and lip. Gently massage the face for exfoliating then wash off with warm water. About 1-2 times a week. 

ew no makeup =w= ewwwww

on the inside! comes with a mini spoon! super convenient :)

cuuuute yeah!?

the texture isn't really a's more like...a smoothie? haha! I can't really explain



during & after pics!

my skin feels clean, and soft :)

In conclusion!

Packaging: 5/5

Price: 5/5

Result: 5/5

Overall: 5/5

It is very important to have some kind of product that exfoliates in your skin care routine. Why? Well, the dead skin cells can clog pores and block the essential nutrients in your skin care products from getting deep into your skin and do its' job!  I haven't tried many exfoliants so far but I feel that this is a really decent product, I don't really like that it is strongly scented and there's coloring agent in it..that's not really good for your skin, but I'm only using it once or twice a week and the price is so good!!...So to me it's not that much of a problem :)

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