Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kpop Dance Tutorials ? [Review]

After paying $4.99 for a useless tutorial...I think I'll stick to youtube videos...unless the tutorial I want is not on youtube..and I can't find it ANYWHERE...only then will I resort to going back to kpopdancetutorials...I mean I think it is a great idea and has a lot of potential..but the tutorial I bought [Miss A - Goodbye] ... did not help a BEGINNER like me at all!

So the layout of the website is very user friendly 
Artists on the left and very helpful self explanatory buttons on the top - oh an also they are promoting a "VIP Pack" right now - with lots of dances they did and they also gave an explanation about which dances come with this VIP Pack and how the tutorials will work:

Pretty easy and simple right? ....yeah
Well signing up and confirming are both really easy to do and the user friendliness of the entire site was just really appealing to me and was a deciding factor when I bought the tutorial for Miss A's Goodbye

So after buying the tutorial I just had to go back to my account and log in, and then just go back to the video page

As you can see there are 6 options ~~
front view, back view, tutorial, mirrored, slowed mirrored, tutorial mirrored

and that's all fine and dandy and all...but...I honestly feel I could get this for free on youtube..like here ..this FREE video has everything that I already PAID for......and the reason I chose Miss A - Goodbye from the kpoptutorial site was because I didn't care for the other dance previews..Im not a dance expert..but as an audience member...some of the dances were just not up to par..not saying I could do better...but hey put your best foot forward right? Also I tried to practice with the mirrored tutorial and it did not really help because all the instructor did was relay counts...I need explanations clear images...not counts!...as a beginner dancer I need that at the least....

Also what I like about the youtube video is that the instructor will do a section of the dance, then replay that section of the dance at half speed, then after will do that same section at full speed before going to the next section of the dance..also what I like about the youtube instructor is that she thoroughly explains the more difficult moves..and I don't even need to understand korean for her explanations..

So all in all:
 kpopdancetutorial site:  5/5 
for user friendliness, I mean come on the graphics are great everything is so easy to find/look for..what more could you ask for?

dance tutorial itself: 2/5 
it is a great idea with a lot of potential but some of the dances need to be improved..and there really needs to be explanations with the tutorials...not just counts...I mean, I'm sure that helps with more seasoned dancers..but noobs like me need a little more help T-T so all in all this is user friendly but for a budding dancer..yeah..no....

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! On my blog, I wrote an article about YouTube dancer’s purpose for uploading videos on there. If you can read, share, like or comment I’d be really grateful! http://nynyonlinex.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/whats-your-purpose-as-a-youtube-dancer/
