Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kracie Happy Kitchen CUPCAKES! [Review]

ハッピーキッチン カップケーキ

Happy Kitchen Cupcakes!

I made this! >w<

I LOVE all food related anything >w< I just love food ;3; ! I already tried the Kracie Kitchen Hamburger and that was so much fun >w< and tasted pretty good, so I figured this would be really fun too! And it was!!

So the kit has 2 flavors: chocolate and vanilla for the cupcakes :3 and the icings are vanilla and strawberry! There is a mold that also comes with and it is three pieces: a heart, flower and flowers didn't really come out >o<

The kit also comes with dressings for the cupcakes :D there are pearl sprinkles and the generic cylindrical pieces like this:

And the pearls have different flavors! The light pastel ones are like a peach and fruity flavor and the brown one is coffee :3 yumm

I feel that whatever you do/however you decide to decorate the cupcakes, anything will look nice haha >w< 

Thanks for reading :3 

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