Monday, November 26, 2012

Etude House: Christmas Miracle Nails! [Review]

Helloo~!~! so a week or so ago I did the Mint Frappe Nail review from etude house, well I was so happy about the outcome, I wanted to try another set of 3 colors from Etude :) so, in the spirit of christmas, I bought this! it was about 700yen which is pretty prices 

so the silver and pink are for the tips
or well you can use it however you want but I used the silver and pink (the two on the left and middle) for the tips of my nails and the baby pink (the one on the right) for the bottom part 

1 layer of the baby pink - so light!  

after about 4 layers

with silver :)


with pink

the pink is actually very subtle and pretty much blends in with the baby pink for some reason! 

this was super fun! i really love doing my nails :) I have gotten a lot more compliments for the silver tips than the pink tips though haha, I want to buy a sheer-ish white nail polish and have that with the silver tips, that would be nice wouldn't it?

well anyway, this was just like the Mint Frappe Nails, with the 3 steps which is pretty cool :) it was a lot of fun, what I really like is that there are so many possibilities for the kind of design and style you want to do, I don't think it was worth 700yen but I guess since it's christmas that's the only reason the price was so high :) 

so all in all I really liked this ~!~!~!~! I hope to get another set..haha maybe....

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Etude House: Juicy Gradation Nails: #4 Mint Frappe

Living in the fashion center of Japan is quite a challenging lifestyle! So many of the girls I see on the street are super dressed up, you would not expect them to be a university student, the look more like they are going on a date or going out to the mall, and because they look and dress so great I feel I have to do the same! SO i bought this lovely item from Etude House in Shinjuku Station :)!

The instructions are pretty straight forward - no matter what language the instructions are in haha! but nontheless this was super fun and can't wait to do it again :3

so nice they labeled everything :) 1,2,3

after about 4 coats of #1 ! 

after about 3 coats of #2 !

after about 3-4 coats of #3!


I guess it was sort of expected that this project would have to be a lot of layers >< ! not very healthy for the nails but this was pretty cheap around $4.00 :) so all in all it was a super fun project and I couldn't be happier with the result :) i've gotten so many compliments and I would love to try the other colors!

Packaging: 5/5
Price: 5/5
Result: 5/5

5/5 ^___^

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Banila Co. Let Me be BeBe [My Favorite BB Cream ! ]

Ever since a friend had introduced me to BB cream in high school I have become obsessed with BB cream research!!! So far I've tried brands like Missha, Holika Holika, Skin 79, etc etc ! But I would have to say that my all time favorite is BANILA CO.'s Let Me Be BeBe Nude BB Cream ! Banila Co. is a really good brand in itself so I knew I could definitely trust the BB Cream ! I've been using it since 2010? I think~! I get a lot of comments like "ahh you look so white!!" but it covers up all my blemishes and dark circles so I don't carreeee!!!

**Packaging has changed since June 2012?? - Not sure about the date I just know they changed the packaging haha!***

old packaging!

so useddd!!!

i think the other one is sheer, but I didn't think it would match me so I got this one :) it doesn't seem like there are any grey undertones in this so i think it's a really great product! albeit a bit pricey but I think it's worth it since half a squirt goes a long way!

no bb cream or makeup ughhh


I always dot and just rub everything in with my fingers, after washing them of course, I was going to use a sponge but a worker at sephora told me it was a waste cus the product will get in the sponge and it would just be a waste~

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Falsies [Tutorial] ?

The other day I bought falsies for about 880yen! Kind of expensive but I really wanted to try! My dorm mates had to teach me how to put them on haha but it's really easy so I hope this can help everyone who doesn't know or give some ideas for those who are already pro at applying falsies haha ~!


Materials Needed!
False eyelashes
Toothpick with a flat top
and eyelash glue 
(I had already cut my eyelashes to fit my eye)

1. tip the wand of the eyelash glue and hold it up

2. with the flat end of the toothpick, put a small amount on top

3. use the toothpick to spread a thin layer of glue on the eyelash you are going to use

4. line eyelash with your natural lash-line and put a little above, hold for 30 seconds and press the eye lashes from time to time to ensure they adhere well 

5. After 30 seconds, blink a few times to make sure they stay and then (if you want) use an eyelash curler to curl the lashes so they stick to your natural lashes and use mascara so your natural and the falsies stick together (it would look really weird with two layers of eyelashes that one was higher than the other...) 



if you want to use the end parts of the lashes you cut off, you can use it for bottom lashes (just flip them over and repeat the steps for applying falsies) :d (see first picture as a kind of example haha)

this is just how I was taught to apply false lashes, if you have another idea please feel free to share!